



比尔吉特·菲舍尔在皮艇比赛中获得两块金牌,她成为奥运历史上第一位时隔20年后重新夺取冠军的女运动员。英国赛艇运动员斯蒂文·雷德格雷夫本届再夺冠军,成为第一位在连续五届奥运会上都获得金牌的 赛艇选手。


在开幕式上点燃圣火的 弗里曼摘取了400米跑的金牌,令 东道主的观众兴奋不已。伊恩·索普,17岁,澳大利亚游泳运动员。在本届奥运会中他打破了自己保持的男子400米自由泳的世界纪录,并获得冠军。同时他还和队友为澳大利亚获得男子4×100米和4×200米两枚接力金牌。

歌曲名称:Under Southern Skies

歌手: Nikki Webster 专辑:

作词: 作曲:


There is a peace in our hearts

And a hope in our hands

We\'re a family of children, we come from many different lands

Our time is just beginning,

Our race is yet to run,

But if you would take us with you

Then we have already won

Under the southern skies

Together in this land

Every voice in celebration

A family hand in hand under the southern skies

As one we rise

And turn our eyes to see

All the wonders of the future in a world of harmony

There\'s a great spirit rising

From the desert to the sea

As it sweeps across the southern land

It comes to you and me

Where the dreamers are the dreaming,

Where the race of the edge yet to run,

Every child can be a hero

If our world could live as on

Webster 妮基·韦伯斯特

澳洲人。曾受邀于2000年悉尼奥运会开幕式与闭幕式演唱,时年13岁。14岁出版唱片《follow your heart》(《跟随你的心》),跃身欧美乐坛首张勇夺白金销售大碟,被称为“澳洲的小布兰妮”。