4.再帮忙翻译一下吧…急用啊… 翻译好可以追加的… 12.这位幸运的运动员将在奥运会的开幕式上发言(ceremony
一小段一小段地发 :(笑)
休巴克:下午好!也许你会在思量奥林匹克运动会(奥运)的重要性和它对运动员们的意义。嗯,那三个“聪明人”应该是知道的,应为他们已经度过了十二个奥运会。那么,就让我们说(那个“let's say”不会翻啊泪!)我们在这里,北京。我们现在正处于这巨大的九万一千座的体育馆。它是国家体育馆;它被人们亲昵地称为“鸟巢”。我们正准备着它所承诺的(翻成被动很怪的~),一个真正壮观的开幕式。它将会在它所承诺的八点钟开始(翻not until也很怪啊可恶!)当地时间2008年8月8日8点(是晚上八点啊但是这外国人没说明)。所以你不会错过任何细节。(a thing 应该是细节吧?)
但是直到现在,体育与政(啊)治有着这样的不稳定的失衡。(这句也是有点怪,不要谈政治行不?)政治冲突,国际争辩和环境威胁依然存在。并且,自从中华人民共和国在2001年取得奥运的举办权以来,一直存在许多争论。休(Huw),世界在注视着北京为首的中国(什么是chian around beijing?),你能够为我们从政治的层面解释一下奥运吗?(意译啊意译)
休 爱德华斯(Huw Edwards):嗯,休(Sue,指休巴克),这事很不容易。基本上,中国正在对世界这样说的:我们是二十一世界的超级大国;我们能够做史上最好的奥运。他们在奥运上花费了400亿美元。只要他们关注的,没有东西能够出差错。
嘉莉 雷格斯(Carrie Gracie):噢,就我所看到的,这里的人们真的隔离于(=没有被影响)我们刚刚提及的负面信息:那些抗议,环境威胁,严峻的安全问题。大多数人妄自尊大。经过七年的筹备,他们的(奥运)盛会已蓄势待发。
休 巴克:还有其它事情杂夹其中呢,迈克尔(Michael)。譬如说,为了今晚的开幕式,总统布什正在现场。这是美国总统首次到别的国家观看开幕式。美国国内对此是如何反应呢?(完成时没翻出啊泪)
迈克尔 约翰逊(Michael Johnson)(奥运四面金牌得主(1992-2000)):我想人们不会真的惊讶于他决定来这里,并且我认为他的觉得没有那么政治化。我想,不管国内人们是怎么想的,他所以作出这个私人决定,可能是因为他想利用这个机会来这里,看看这个(开幕式),成为开幕式的一份子。
休 爱德华斯:这就是第二十九届奥运会的开始。(how没了……)。2008位鼓手正在用前所未有的方式敲打着,倒数着。这些鼓手正营造一种超凡的如电子般(electrifying?)的效果。
休 巴克:这些大鼓让人想起2008位4000岁的先人。
休 爱德华斯:他们等待着一个信号。北京长达七年的等待的最后倒数。还剩一分钟。
休 爱德华斯:携带着精准信息的鼓手们,他们的活力充满鸟巢体育馆。。
休 巴克:是的,这信息来自于2500年前孔子的话:“有朋自远方来,不亦说乎。”
休 爱德华斯:这是穿过北京中心鸟瞰的景象。烟花以燃烧着的足印的形状,从天安门广场开始,沿着中轴线,向奥体公园和新国家体育馆迈进。
休 巴克:这里,很多象征帝国时期中国的意象。(意译啊)孔子,革(-)命时期的象征(of course没了),现在,以他特有的形式回来了。通过紫禁城(故宫)这些帝国时期通途和所有标示5000年统一帝国历史的特殊标识,也以它们的形式回来了。
休 爱德华斯:这个开幕式将会用两万枚烟花,光尘(?dust)将用于制作奥运五环。五环代表五个大陆,象征奥林匹克(大家庭?)的团结,体育活动中人类的团结。
休 巴克:你可以看到表演者悬浮着,利用连接这个体育馆顶部的粗线浮在空中,缓缓降落。值得注意的一点是,这是一种21世纪所继承的的 敦煌石窟里佛教形象(you find on 没了)。这反映出唐朝中国西北部开拓的丝绸之路。
休 爱德华斯:魔法般用光尘制作的五环,不知不觉在这个体育馆升起。(now不见了),预示着中国奥林匹克运动会的到来。
休 爱德华斯:他也说到中国对它的5000年文明非常自豪。它不怕现代化(的改造)。
嘉莉 格雷斯:嗯,是的,那是我们在这个开幕式将要说到中国共产主义。旗上的五颗星象征国家的团结和中共党的领导地位。但是我们将要更多的提及传统物的代表,(例如)书法,文化,以及中国古代的诡辩论(思想)。
休 爱德华斯:诚然。这里的表演即将开始,我们将会享受到中国不同历史阶段,不同方面的中国历史。它们有些相对平和,有些(却是)非常震撼。(意译)
嘉莉 格雷斯:我们正要说到中国唐朝时代发展的水墨画。首先,艺术家们滴几滴水在砚台上,打圈磨墨,然后用毫毛笔或马毛笔作画。
休 爱德华斯:随着作画的继续,一股显示中国历史进程的文化象征在画卷上流动。做得非常好。
嘉莉 格雷斯:这个时候,我们还听到的了古琴,古代七弦乐器。在这个开幕式里,我们将会看到许多中国乐器。这个(古琴)是在中国人看来最和谐悦耳的乐器之一。整个开幕式的主题就是 和。
休 爱德华斯:这古琴,正如中国人所说的那样,有3000年的历史背景。他们声称这是世界上最古老的弹拨乐器。我肯定存在着其它的说法,但这是目前的说法。
嘉莉 格雷斯:这些是孔子的“三千弟子”。他是否真的有三千弟子?那并不重要。在这个演出中,他确实拥有三千。他们咏唱着孔子最有名的著作,论语中的句子:“四海之内皆兄弟。”
休 爱德华斯:他们秉持竹简,一种刻写竹片 以线连结成的书。同样,体育馆内,这些人的气势非凡。
孔子的三千弟子政治赞美知识,赞美中国的哲学。当然,这些知识以书本和纸张形式呈现,以 我们将要看到的——印刷体 的形式呈现。
嘉莉 格雷斯:无论是否受欢迎,孔子习惯于对权贵说真话。——这里我们有第一个活字印刷术的例子。大约在公元1041,中国摆脱陶片,创造了活字印刷。而在欧洲,(直到)13世纪50年代的欧洲,才出现活字印刷,渐渐地,人们把翰尼斯 古腾堡发明的活字印刷当作活字印刷术的独立发明。(希望我理解没错)
休 爱德华斯:桃花,浪漫而喜庆,在中国代表着甜蜜,和平和爱。
专题解说词:(这个video很好看,建议去look look)
The footprints in their history stretch back 5000 years,
but for the world's greatest wall builders,
makers of a forbidden city,
what happens tonight is not merely a small step,
but a great leap.
China is welcoming the world.
Who will they be when this is over?
The clock of their lives has been beating with a screaming urgency.
They have pushed themselves to be as sharp as a razor's edge,
for this summer,
to be here,
and nowhere else.
Beijing, the first ever Olympics for the world's most populous nation,
1.3 billion who framed the front-page story of the 21st century,
a China both outside time
and bursting every which way in a bewildering rush of transformation.
在令人目眩的冲劲中 爆发改革(这两句不会翻,下面应该是在说运动员们的)
They have made themselves anew,
so they might, on these days (if you want)
step into history.
They've submitted to an uncompromising search for mastery,
他们已经开始了一个 为熟练技艺 永不妥协的探索。
repetitive motion, technique polished toward an impossible(guys) ideal.
get up.
It's not the triumph,but the struggle.
It's not the triumph,but the struggle.
It's not the triumph, but the struggle.
Not the triumph,but the struggle.
Why did they begin?
Why do they endure?
It is time for the colorful clash of a universe of shimmering, still to be written biographies.
It is time to chase eternal youth.
Time to defy public heartbreak, laws of gravity.
Time for a Jamaican lightening bolt,
California brilliance.
It is time for the sweetly engaging gymnast from West des Moines,
and the poised daughter of a decorated Olympian.
It is time for the one who has endured the grinding burden of mind-blowing expectations.
Time for the headliner of the Athens games to play superman all over.
Are we about to see the fastest race ever?
A dynasty confirmed?
A victory cheered by a billion voices?
They have pushed themselves to be as sharp as a razor's edge,
for the scintillating prospect of enduring accomplishments,
to leave these games as the greatest Olympic champion of all time.
They have made themselves anew,
for this summer,
for Beijing,
for this
Olympic Games 2008
The 2008 Olympic Game has been the most discussed and anticipated event through out Beijing ever since Beijing bid for it years ago. Yet the focus has shifted from making a promise to making good a promise after Beijing’s successful bid. In my opinion, to bridge the gap between a promise and reality, Beijing still has a long way to go. Here are some of my ideas on how to fill that gap.
First, the speaking of English is far most important than all other difficulties. Learning a language takes a long time and a lot of heart ship, it’s not easy. So can we get most of Chinese to speak English before 2008? It needs us to try and practice very hard.
Second, traffic jams have been an age-old headache in Beijing, the scenes of long queues of vehicles worming their way inch by inch while discharging dark fumes into the air had given all of us a really bad impression, and I know that none of us wish to show off that side of Beijing to athletes and journalists over the world, it would blemish the city’s image and leave a bad reputation. So we have to work real hard on Green Olympics.
Thirdly, to add enchantment to convenience, an over-all city planning is indispensable. If time permits, a redesign of city layout and adjustment of architectural style would provide a better environment for fostering the characteristics, blending oriental elegance with international grandeur, will tower a lot among surrounding architectures. To achieve such effects, Beijing shall solicit opinions from first-rate architects and make an overall plan.
Even though, Beijing still has a lot to do to reach the level that the world expects, but we have the confidence to make Beijing a brand new city by the year 2008. Huge changes are taking places, and not far in the future, Beijing will be the focus of all worlds’ attention. The world trusts Beijing and that’s why Beijing won the bid. We will grasp this opportunity and do our best. We are not yet ready but we will be by the year 2008.
Let’s all wish the best for the 2008 Olympic games in Beijing. Thanks.
#英语资源# 导语奥运会开幕式是奥运会开场的环节之一,历来都是奥运会的重头戏,是万众瞩目的焦点。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。
The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games should not only reflect the Olympic spirit aimed at peace, unity and friendship, but also show the national culture, local customs and organizational work level of the host country, but also express a warm welcome to guests from all over the world.At the opening ceremony, in addition to a series of basic ceremonies, there are generally wonderful group gymnastics and literary or military sports performances with national characteristics.
The 2021 Tokyo Olympic Games will simplify some links of the opening ceremony. On December 23, the Tokyo Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games announced the dissolution of the director team of the opening and closing ceremony, with Wanzhai Nomura as the general director. On July 3, 2021, the Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games said that it decided to extend the end time of the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympic Games by 30 minutes.
At the opening ceremonies of previous Olympic Games, the lighting of the main torch is always the most anticipated moment, and it is always kept secret until the last minute.
At the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games, rapolo, the archery medal winner of the two Paralympic Games, lit the arrow with fire and accurately shot at the flame platform 70 meters away and 21 meters high.
At the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, female sprinter Cathy Freeman lit the main torch in the water, and then the main torch tower rose from the water, like a sun rising on the sea.
In the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Chinese gymnast Li Ning, holding a torch, stepped over a long roll slowly unfolding above the stadium like a flying man in the air, and finally lit the main torch of the bird's Nest stadium.
In the 2012 London Olympic Games, the main torch tower is composed of 204 copper petals. Seven young athletes ignite the petals together. Finally, these copper petals converge to the center to form the main torch.
Different from previous Olympic Games, the main torch of this Olympic Games is far away from the stadium and located in the waterfront of Tokyo.
This morning, I watched the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympic Games with my family! Asked my father I know this is the 32nd Summer Olympic Games, also known as the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, and Tokyo is the first South American city to host the Olympic Games! 207 countries and regions participating in the Olympic Games have the slogan "a new world", which means that Tokyo Olympic Games will create a better world to influence and change the next generation!Geometry and music are the most important forms of expression during the opening ceremony. Let me know the importance of music in Tokyo. And I also know through the commentator that it has a great relationship with the history of their country! At the Olympic Games, there are 777 athletes in our delegation. Zhu Ting, the Chinese women's volleyball player and zhaoshuai, the taekwondo athlete, serve as the flag bearer of the Chinese sports delegation at the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympic Games! I feel very happy and proud to see the Chinese delegation enter the site! And delegations from all over the world are excited and happy to watch when they enter the site! Even our audience is infected! Although the opening ceremony was long, I kept watching it until the flame was lit!
The steps of the Tokyo Olympic Games have gradually approached. For Chinese sports people, each Olympic Games is a big test. In 2021, what answer papers can be handed over is a test of Chinese sports.In the new era, Chinese sports people also shoulder the renewed mission and more responsibility. In the historical intersection of the "two hundred years" goal, sports will play a more diverse role. Facing the Tokyo Olympics, we should strive for gold and silver, but what we need to do is far more than win gold and silver.
The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has drawn us a grand blueprint for building a strong sports country. The new form of sports in the new era and the new demands of people for sports in the new era all require Chinese sports people to embark on a new journey with new ideas, new ideas and new goals. We should make the national fitness develop vigorously, the competitive sports are colorful, the sports industry is advancing rapidly, the sports culture is changing day by day, and the "four carriages" advance together, and give multidimensional Chinese interpretation for the "Olympic".
The Olympic Games are no longer simply a simple collection of athletes' competition results, but a platform for comprehensive spiritual encouragement, cultural heritage, national display, cooperation and exchange. In this context, the test of the Tokyo Olympic Games to the Chinese delegation will not only be in the field, but also outside the field.
Athletes need to strive for outstanding achievements, practice faster, higher and stronger, strive for glory for the country and provide strong positive energy for social development. But the "gold content" of these achievements needs to be higher, which requires athletes to strictly abide by the sports rules and sports ethics, constantly break through the limit of self transcendence, show the national spirit and become a model for the young generation.
The criteria for evaluating the performance of the delegation will not be limited to the number of gold medals and medals, but also whether we fully demonstrate China's great power feelings in terms of friendly competition, foreign exchanges, communication and cooperation, and build a bridge of mutual benefit and mutual trust between countries and regions with sports as the link.
The Olympic Games are arena and stage. Today, with the development of Internet technology and the smooth communication among all nations in the world, the cultural and industrial value of the Olympic Games have been developed more and more deeply. This value is not only the host, but also belongs to each delegation. In 2021, how to discover and embrace these values is also a big task for the Chinese delegation.
再帮忙翻译一下吧…急用啊… 翻译好可以追加的… 12.这位幸运的运动员将在奥运会的开幕式上发言(ceremony
The ceremonial fire stems from the ancient Greece myth fable. Hands down ancient Greece god Prometheus for the humanity which rescues suffers hunger and cold, hides the truth from Zeus to steal the kindling material belt to the world. The ancient Greece before each Olympic Games are held, the people must light the ceremonial fire before the Hera temple. After the modern Olympic Games establish, when the ceremonial fire is lit that flash, this Olympic Games ceremonial fire's transmission was the announcement complete conclusion. Along with Olympic Games' conclusion, this Olympic Games ceremonial fire will also be extinguished. The first torch relay activity was Berlin Olympic Games starts from 1936
The lucky athlete will give a speech on the opeing ceremony.
The book can be used by students whose native language is not English.
The reason why he didn't pass the driving license is that he lacks bravery and practice.
3.即使你获得了极大成功也不应该看不起别人(even if)
Even if you made great success, you shouldn't look down upon others.
While I get what you said, I still disagree with your opinion on this matter.
some of our states are as big as France and England together.
6.尽管总统本人并不同意,这本书还是谈到了他的第一次婚姻(speak of)
the book speaks of the President's first marriage although he didn't agree himself.
it is reported that there are food, medicine and clothes among the supplies sent to the flood-stricken areas.
Either you improve your work quickly or I will fire you.
9.小女孩的妈妈死后,她由她的阿姨照料(care for)
the little girl is cared for by her aunt after her mother died.
10.昨夜的风刮得十分猛烈,许多花和树叶都吹落了(fall of)
the wind last night was so strong that many flowers and leaves fell off.
where there is human's disaster, there is the volunteer service of Red Cross.
this is the car which I took to the village.
the conference began with the national anthem of the People's Republic of China
2.这个小男孩非常胆怯,他甚至害怕小鸟(be frightened of)
the little boy is very timid, and he is even frightened of birds.
the news that we have a day off tomorrow is not true.
scientists are developing a kind of material whose characteristic is similar as spiders' cobweb
the little princess fell into sleep with all the candles in the palace on.
they have produced sugar as much as last quarter.
MR Black wasn't set free from the prison until he was old and ill.
8.与大多数年轻人一样,比起古典音乐他更喜欢流行音乐(in common with)
in common with most young men, he prefers pop music to classic music
the accident occured due to the driver's going on driving after drunk.
10.一见到以前的班主任他心里就充满感激之情(be filled with)
he was filled with appreciation when he saw his previous head teacher.
11.她全身心地爱玛丽,好像就是她的一个家庭成员似的(as though)
she loved Mary with her full heart as though she were a family member
Newton put the watch into the pot carelessly while he was thinking about a difficult problem.
PS;你这些翻译打字打得我指甲都疼了 :(